Chamomile German

Chamomile German

from $30.00

Botanical Specie: Matricaria recutita

Producing Organ: Flowers

Appropriate for:

Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, sedative. Helpful in reducing redness and inflammation, stomach pain due to nervousness and heartburn.

Safety precautions:

To be used in low dosages due to its strong aroma and concentration.

Aromatherapy Institute, Inc. Practitioner Certification Clinical I Manual, page 37.


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Because of the potency and concentration of our essential oils and citrus essences, we recommend using them with care. Never apply them neat (directly onto the skin), do not take them internally and use them in conjunction with a botanical carrier. A carrier is a vehicle to enhance the topical penetration of the essential oils into the body. We suggest using Lavanda’s Therapeutic Cream and/or botanical vegetable oils.  Using either the cream or vegetable oil, combine 1 teaspoon of the selected botanical carrier with 1 or 2 drops of the essential oil, citrus essence or absolute.

This information is not intended to replace conventional medical attention. Please seek appropriate care from your health care professional for what ails you.